I built a TIG cart.

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I built a TIG cart.

Post by Joe_the_ice_man »

So. I finally did the thing and bought a TIG. It is a Ching Chong special, but I have nothing to compare to, so it seems alright. The reviews are good at least. Time will tell if it was $1300 good or not.

Here is the cart I built for it.
Yes, I intend to paint it, but know I probably never will.

I have not done anything other than mild steel with it, or tried any of the extra functions. Hopefully I will get a chance to test it on aluminum in the next week or two.
'89 Sami 2.3,03-72LE - The Corona Wagon [url]https://forum.4x4north.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=216[/url]

'87 Sami, stockish drivetrain with CJ5 springs - Another unfinished Sami - find it yourself :razz:

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Scott Cee AKA 2drx4
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Re: I built a TIG cart.

Post by Scott Cee AKA 2drx4 »

Looks good. No point painting it if it never goes outside.

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