to be perfectly honest, i don't MIG with gas hardly ever. 15-22 on the dial will do all the things with pretty much all the nozzles, if you are outside in the wind and notice an issue (porosity) turn it up a bit and/or put up a windscreen. i tend to run ~18
that said, if you really want to get parsnickety, it depends on the joint and the environment. the shielding gas is there to create a bubble free of oxygen to keep the molten metal from combining with the free oxygen and thus being unable to stay in one piece. it will turn in to porous nonsense. this is a bad picture, but you can kind of see a couple of the holes in this weld. the second picture is how far i had to grind to get through all the holes. This is just from a tack weld without enough gas causing instant porosity, then just welding over the top about 4 passes. the separated metally bits don't float out, they are essentially rocks. This is bad, if you see that, grind it out right away and start fresh.
if you are doing some very repetitive stuff and want to maximize your gas cylinder life, you can set up a template joint and turn down the gas 1-2 while making a short weld ~1 or 2" long. turn it down until you get an issue, go back up to where it was clean and weld from there. If you are going into a deep channel or a T joint you don't need as much gas flow as you do with a butt weld, because the gas hits the walls and has less area to get lost. same thing with a draft, you don't need as much flow if there is no draft as with a slight breeze.
for some reason i can't find one of those handy charts online that show the difference between various shielding gasses. Basically, pure AR gives you a wider weld, pure CO2 gives you a deeper weld, 75/25 gives a neutral balance of the two, Helium also gives a different pattern, can't recall if it was more extreme wide/shallow or narrow/deep
75/25 is great for steel, pure AR for aluminium